
Handler Scores

Bench Tests
Verify Tests

Speed vs. Functionality

Scores are on scale of 0..100. Higher is better.
Metrics algorithms completely made up.
See notes below for details.
Check box to see details
Check box to see details
chanchal/zaphandler 62.96 89.91
madkins/flash 100.00 95.82
madkins/sloggy 100.00 77.64
phsym/zeroslog 44.44 98.81
phuslu/slog 100.00 100.00
samber/slog-logrus 74.07 8.24
samber/slog-zap 62.96 61.13
samber/slog-zerolog 66.67 59.17
slog/JSONHandler 100.00 96.73
svcrunner/jsonlog 74.07 98.64

Score Visualization

← Chart Size → Top Right:
Handler Scoring Handler Scoring Handler Scoring Handler Scoring

Higher numbers are better on both axes. The "good" zone is the upper right and the "bad" zone is the lower left.
The top is fast, the bottom is slow. Left is more warnings, right is less.

Scoring Algorithms

The algorithms behind the scores shown on this page are somewhat arbitrary. The original scoring algorithm (Default) was deemed "good enough", but later work has focused on enabling multiple scoring algorithms. These can be found on the Home page or in the Scoring drop-down in the upper right section of every page.

Algorithms are implemented by "scorekeepers". Each scorekeeper is specified by the two axes shown in the scoring chart. Each axis interprets test data according to its own algorithm.

The current scorekeeper and axis algorithms are described below:

Score Keeper: Simple

The Simple scoring algorithm is basically the same as the Default algorithm. In this case the weight tables associated with the axis are simpler, ignoring some of the input data.

X Axis: Warnings

The X-axis for the Simple scoring chart shows the score derived from verification warnings with simpler axis weights.

The score is calculated using the score weights shown to the right which are applied to the warning levels during calculation.


Y Axis: Benchmarks

The Y-axis for the Default scoring chart shows the score derived from running benchmarks with simpler axis weights.

The score is calculated using the score weights shown to the right which are applied to the several specific benchmark result values.

The benchmarks that are run to populate this axis are the ones in the Included list to the right.
