
Handler madkins/sloggy

Bench Tests
Verify Tests
Summary Links

madkins/sloggy is a new slog.Handler built from the ground up to generate JSON log records. While the performance isn't top-tier, this handler adheres faithfully to documented slog.Handler and observed slog.JSONHandler behavior. The madkins/flash handler, derived from this one, has better performance.


Benchmark Data

Score: 82.35
Benchmark Runs Ns/Op Allocs/Op Bytes/Op MB/Sec Score
Attributes 425,600 2,808.00 64 1,384 159.92 77.90
Big Group 6,782 172,366.00 5,845 62,008 172.81 74.33
Disabled 322,120,028 3.73 0 0 0.00 96.83
Key Values 367,309 2,849.00 64 1,384 157.59 77.97
Logging 17,766 67,583.00 1,865 26,992 142.22 76.89
Simple 1,749,944 681.90 14 240 130.52 77.71
Simple Source 680,320 1,708.00 30 1,280 166.87 70.43
With Attrs Attributes 428,588 2,801.00 64 1,384 300.28 85.36
With Attrs Key Values 427,964 2,856.00 64 1,384 294.46 85.34
With Attrs Simple 1,742,838 690.50 14 240 696.56 94.65
With Group Attributes 419,445 2,849.00 64 1,384 162.84 85.40
With Group Key Values 406,041 2,875.00 64 1,384 161.37 85.41

Benchmark Charts

madkins/sloggy Ns/Op madkins/sloggy Allocs/Op
madkins/sloggy Bytes/Op madkins/sloggy GB/Sec


Score: 98.46
Duplicates Duplicate field(s) found
Verify: Attribute Duplicate

map[alpha:2 charlie:3]

Verify: Attribute With Duplicate

map[alpha:2 charlie:3]